Yarn Subbing

Shhh, I have a secret. Did you realize you can knit a shawl or scarf in any yarn and or yarn weight for that matter? When it comes to shawls and scarves you have a lot of freedom, maybe why I like them so much. If you’re anything like me, you love to buy one or two skeins of really pretty yarn and have lots of skeins in our stash, and then we don’t always know what to do with them This is the reason; I love to design one and two skein projects. In the last yr or two,...
Discontinued Yarn

Welcome to Kelene Kinnersly Designs Can we talk about discontinued yarns for a minute? There are days when I look at my stash and I can hear the yarn screaming “me, me, knit me!”. As a designer I hesitate and think that I can't use it. I worry knitters will be upset if I do a design in yarn they can't find. But...I’m not sure that’s true. Especially since I design shawls and scarves which are more easily adaptable to other yarns. This week I will be releasing a little shawlette design I knit up in some Nifty by Plucky Knitter....